Monday, May 18, 2015

Modifying Your Divorce Agreement

Modifying Your Divorce Agreement
The agreements that have been made in divorce cases are not always final. Often, you can modify your agreement if and when substantial changes in the circumstances since the entry of the Final Judgment have taken place. This process is called Divorce Modification. Whether it is a paternity, child custody, child support, or child visitation case, you often have the option to change the agreement. A divorce lawyer can increase your chances of amending the agreement as they often deal with family court cases such as these.

The chances of having the divorce agreement modified varies based on the case. Generally, in child support cases, the Court determines whether or not a change in income of the parties necessitates a recalculation of child support. For example, if the parent who has sole custody of the child loses their job, it may be necessary to recalculate child support payments based on that fact. In child custody and timesharing cases, the court decides if the change in circumstances are in the best interest of the child. For instance, if one party decides that they would like more time with or custody of their child after acquiring a house and moving out of an apartment. The Court would decide if this timeshare/custody change would benefit the child.

Once evidence is presented, the Court conducts a hearing and modifies the agreement as they see necessary. Many other factors play into Divorce Modification but it can and has been done. It is nearly impossible to anticipate the changes that can take place in your life after Final Judgment. For this reason, Divorce Modification exists. If you find yourself in a similar situation, don't hesitate to start the process of getting your court orders revised. 

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